Products:Nisin A 1000 Preparation
Molecular weight:3354.0
Molecular formula :C143H230O37N42S7
Molecular structural:
Nisin A Preparation occurs as a white, free-flowing powder. It is a mixture of closely related polypeptides produced by strains of the Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Lancefield Group N in a sterilized milk-culture medium.
The structure of the nisin A molecule is presented in bellow Figure. It is a 34-amino-acid polypeptide with amino and carboxyl endgroups, and five internal ring structures involving disulfide bridges. It possesses three unusual amino acids: dehydroalanine, lanthionine, and β-methyllanthionine. Lanthionine appears to be a common feature in a number of more recently characterized bacteriocins that are collectively known as lantibiotics. Nisin Z differs from nisin A by the substitution of asparagine for histidine at position 27. Nisin Z has a similar antimicrobial activity to nisin A, although nisin Z shows greater diffusion in agar gels. Nisin A has a molecular weight of 3354 Da.
First established use was as a preservative in processed cheese products and since then numerous other applications in foods and beverages have been identified. It is currently recognised as a safe food preservative in approximately 50 countries.The established uses of nisin as a preservative in processed cheese, various pasteurised dairy products, and canned vegetables.More recent applications of nisin include its use as a preservative in high moisture, hot baked flour products (crumpets) and pasteurised liquid egg. Renewed interest is evident in the use of nisin in natural cheese production. Considerable research has been carried out on the antilisterial properties of nisin in foods and a number of applications have been proposed. Uses of nisin to control spoilage lactic acid bacteria have been identified in beer, wine, alcohol production and low pH foods such as salad dressings. Further developments of nisin are likely to include synergistic action of nisin with chelators and other bacteriocins, and its use as an adjunct in novel food processing technology such as higher pressure sterilisation and electroporation. Production of highly purified nisin preparations and enhancement by chelators has led to interest in the use of nisin for human ulcer therapy, and mastitis control in cattle.
FDA permits its use to inhibit the outgrowth of C. botulinum spores and toxin formation in pasteurized cheeses; its maximum concentration is determined by GMP (< 250 ppm in the finished product). The Codex General Standard for Food Additives permits its use in cheeses (12.5 ppm max. level), clotted cream (10 ppm max. level), and cereal and starch desserts (3 ppm max. level). Many more applications have been suggested in foods like fresh pizza, salad dressings, soy and vegetarian products, pasteurized liquid egg, fruit juices, fish and shellfish, and meat products. Nisin antimicrobial spectrum is against Gram-positive bacteria. FDA established the quantitative method for nisin, the one designated by British Standards Institution ‘Methods for the estimation and differentiation of nisin in processed cheese.’ Alternatively, there are several suggested methods for quantification in foods (milk, cheese, liquid egg, canned tomatoes, and salad dressings), which include horizontal agar diffusion.
Items |
Standard |
Description |
white power |
Potency |
≥900 IU/mg |
Loss on drying |
≤3.0% |
Lead |
≤5mg/Kg |
Heavy metals(as Pb) |
≤10mg/Kg |
Mercury |
≤1mg/Kg |
Arsenic |
≤1mg/Kg |
Sodium chloride |
≥50% |
Total plate count |
≤10cfu/g |
E.Coli |
25g Negative |
Salmonella |
25g Negative |
Food Category No. |
Food Category |
Max level (g/kg) |
01.0 |
Milk and dairy product (excluding products of the category 01.01.01, 01.01.02, 13.0) |
0.5 | |
Canned or bottled edible fungi and algae |
0.2 | |
Canned coarse grains |
0.2 | |
Other coarse grain products (Coarse grain sausage products only) |
0.25 |
06.07 |
Instant wheat or rice products (fresh instant noodles only) |
0.25 |
06.07 |
Instant wheat or rice products (rice and wheat flour sausage products only) |
0.25 |
08.02 |
Pre-processed meat product |
0.5 |
08.03 |
Cooked meat products |
0.5 |
09.04 |
Fully preserved fish and fish products (can be directly consumed) |
0.5 |
10.03 |
Egg products (changed physical properties) |
0.25 |
12.03 |
Vinegar |
0.15 |
12.04 |
Soy sauce |
0.2 |
12.05 |
Paste and paste products |
0.2 |
12.10 |
Blended condiment |
0.2 |
14.0 |
Beverages (excluding packaged drinking water in 14.01) |
0.2 |
■ 500g/bottle ,20 bottles/carton
■ 1.0kg/bag ,10kg/carton